The God of the Impossible
One of the greatest mistakes that we could ever do is to limit God. When our hearts get filled with unbelief, we close the doors to God’s...
Created for Love!
Imagine a life without love. A life that is black and white. We all have our earthly goals, but after reaching them we still have a...
Compassion for the Lost
It is impossible to walk in intimacy with the Lord and not bear fruit. If you are truly with our Lord Jesus Christ, you will always bear...
Who Are the Brides of Christ?
When I was a new believer, I was taught that when you accept the Lord Jesus Christ, automatically, you are considered as a bride of...
Filipinos, Preach the Gospel!
Dear Filipino Christians, Preach the Gospel! The moment we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is also the moment our...